How Accurate Is Carfax

Today i was surfing Craigslist car section and run across this post which doubts the CARFAX VEHICLE HISTORY REPORTS. The poster states some examples in which Carfax doesn’t provide the real data on one or more vehicle history reports.

So my advice to prospective buyers is to rely not only on Carfax Vehicle History Report but to get a second opinion from AutoCheck® or Carproof. Below if the screenshot of Toronto Craigslist post.

Just a heads up for any perspective buyers who solely rely on Carfax for vehicle history, (or ScamFax as I would like to refer it) is nothing but a rip off, on more then one occasion. I have used their service and recieved nothing but fraudulent info regarding my own vehicles as well as those of ones I have been interested in buying.

On one occasion I entered the VIN on one vehicle and was notified that there were 15 important reports on the vehicle so I paid the 40.00 to get the report to find out there were inconsistent odometer reports on 2 occasions, which obviously alarmed me, but when I went here and entered the VIN Number to check for possible odometer tampering the car came back with NO odometer problems, how can a website that claims to have access to databases and accurate info contradict themselves on the same vehicle???????

Not too mention Odometer tampering is a crime and should of been reported to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. The one entry regarding the inconsistent odometer reading supposedly was entered by the MTO, but upon viewing the UVIP from the MTO the car was clean with nothing regarding inconsistent mileage, funny BUT if the MTO reported Inconsistent Odometer readings how come it wasn’t on the UVIP, cause Carfax’s records are WRONG.

Not too mention if there’s a negative report about a car, rest assured Carfax will have one similar to that car listed with a clean history on the same page, nothing like blackballing a good car with a negative label so you can try and push one that some dealer pays to advertise on Carfax.. Be aware Folks, I have documented proof Carfax is a ripoff so have a little faith in the seller especially if they have a UVIP, a good history on paper of the vehicle, and if you really have any doubts about any vehicle take it to a mechanic, any honest seller will not hesitate to allow you this right..

Good luck and use your own judgement, don’t miss a great oppurtunity on a car solely based on what ScamFax claims, afterall they are based in Virginia, so gee who would I believe, the MTO where the car is registered or a website that gets their info 3rd party!

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